Welcome to Help Center

We are a small company with a huge vision. To help us manage the volume of HELP CENTER requests, we have prepared articles that walk you through every aspect of your dealings with Crown Bees. We hope that you will turn to these articles as your first step and know that we are here for you if you are unable to find the answers you need.

The first place to start is a search of our FAQ library. You can get there from here by clicking on Search our Library at the top of the chat box. Just type a few words regarding what you are looking for and it will populate with articles pertaining to that question. You can type your question into the FAQ box for more information.

The Help Center page has links to help you with your orders and account. Our How to Raise Bee library has researched articles on raising solitary bees. Product Instructions details the "How to use" our products.

If you still need assistance by clicking the Send a Question button below if you are in chat. Your chat will generate a Help Center request email and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
Average response times to emails is 24 hours to 48 hours over the weekends while we enjoy time with our family.

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